Been to my weekly Weight Watchers meeting and I've now lost 10lb total in 3 weeks! Does that rock or what?! hehe! Well pleased with myself! As I keep saying to myself every week - imagine what I could lose if I actually did some exercise as well! LOL
Had a yummy dinner this evening - very simple (and if you're a fellow Weight Watcher - only 7.5 points for the lot!).
Baked Potato with bacon and veg stir fry.Ingredients:
1 large baking potato (up to 375g)
6 or 7 rashers of Healthy Living bacon, chopped
4 mushrooms, chopped
6 - 8 cherry tomatoes, quartered
1/2 packet baby sweetcorn, chopped
(you can also add 1/2 chopped onion and a chopped courgette or any other freebie veg you wish, especially if you're particularly hungry cuz veg is free!)
Tesco Cottage Cheese with Sunblush Tomato and herbs
Put baking potato, washed and pricked, into top of oven at 200 degrees F for approximately 1 hour, turning occasionally.
Chop up mushrooms, baby sweetcorn, cherry tomatoes and bacon.
Spray a non stick frying pan with low fat cooking spray and place on a medium heat.
Tip all veg and bacon into frying pan.
Stir fry veg until soft and bacon has cooked.
Stir in 60g (4 tbsp) Cottage Cheese.
Add a dash of Worcestershire Sauce to taste, if required.
Keep pan on a low heat until baked potato is ready.
To serve - split baked potato and add low fat spread if required. Pile the veg and bacon mix on top then scoff the lot! No seasoning required - there's salt in the bacon!
Beautiful! And not only filling and easy to make, but with all those veggies, you could potentially have all of your 5 a day in one meal! Hoorah!
So that was my yummylicious dinner! My dad makes "Eggy mess", mine is more "veggie mess"! ho ho!
On another fabulous note, I've had a reply from Simone Legno about my Mozzarella ami toy:
Hello Rowena!
Many thanks this looks very very very cute and perfect actually!
Many thanks for thinking of mozzarella for it!
Ciao ciao
Simone (^-^)y
Approval from the horse's mouth! What more could you want!
So I'm ending my Monday on a high! Makes a change! Must now get Aston to bed and retire myself. It's 10.30 and I'm exhaustificated!